
Meme from DarthVengeance0325

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Literature Text

1. Tell us about your favorite writing project/universe that you've worked with and why.

My personal favorite would have to be the "Killer Tales" verse. I've always had a bit of a fascination with the whole criminal underworld, gangs, hired killers, et cetera. I guess it's because that sort of gritty, street-level sort of thing is something I've never really experienced, since I spent all my childhood in suburbia and am going to college in essentially rural New England. With Killer Tales, I can create that kind of world.

2. How many characters do you have? Do you prefer males or females?

How many? Well….a lot. I'll leave it at that.

As to the second question, I'll have to go with females. Three times out of five, I'm gonna go with a female character. Most likely due to my extreme over-exposure to male badasses in the books and stuff I've read when I was younger, and also because I want to show that I can write men and women on a level playing field, if that makes any sense.

3. How do you come up with names, for characters (and for places if you're writing about fictional places)?

Honestly? For characters I mostly just go with whatever sounds "right" for them. As for places, well….if you look through my stories, as of the time of this writing, you see I have yet to actually name where they take place. Granted, I can't keep doing that for long, but I feel that if I say "The Contestants" starts at City X of State H, then I just feel limited.

4. Tell us about one of your first stories/characters!

First story I ever put on deviantART was "3-17", which I wrote for my Russian Literature class in my junior year of high school. The class was just as awesome as it sounds, with us spending lots of time on "The Master and Margarita (sp?)", which is supposed to be the inspiration for The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil". Anyway, I was supposed to write a short story that incorporated/gave homage to the several different types of Russian stories we had read over the course. Most people wrote a 3-4 page thing. Mine was about twenty. It was the first real story I had ever written, and I'm proud of it (even if it needs some SERIOUS re-writing, my GOD!) for helping inspire me to become a writer.

5. By age, who is your youngest character? Oldest? How about "youngest"?

Of all the characters I've written? Youngest would be Johan St. Sebastian from "The Contestants" at the young age of 25, while Sung Dual from the same story is the oldest at 39. In case you're wondering, the 3rd "contestant", Dan, is 36.

6. Where are you most comfortable writing? At what time of day? Computer or good ol' pen and paper?

I'm most comfortable writing at my desk, with my computer (pen and paper just don't do it for me, plus my fingers start to hurt after a while), at any time, really. As long as I'm in the mood to write.

7. Do you listen to music while you write? What kind? Are there any songs you like to relate/apply to your characters?

I usually don't listen to music. It distracts me while I write. As to applying to characters….can't think of any, sorry.

8. What's your favorite genre to write? To read?

Fantasy. Fantasy for BOTH QUESTIONS.

9. How do you get ideas for your characters? Describe the process of creating them.

I usually go "alright, here's a situation. Now, what kind of people might get caught up in said situation, and how would they react? Make sure that the people have enough contrast to get some good dialogue in, and presto! Characters!

10. What are some really weird situations your characters have been in?

If we're going to count OCT's, which I personally decree are non-canon for my characters unless I win, Amy's entire experience in The Revival OCT would count.

11. Who is your favorite character to write? Least favorite?

I really like ALL my characters, so I'll just give vague descriptions of types of characters I like to write and don't. Favorite would be the characters that are capable of kicking ass but retain a nice (at some points unsettling) amount of courtesy. Least favorite would be extreme fanatical villains, because more often than not I want to just punch them rather than write what they say.

12. In what story did you feel you did the best job of world building?

World building is something I need to work on, since for most of my stories I've left out a LOT of details concerning where they are (when can be considered "ten minutes from now, unless specified").

13. What's your favorite culture to write, fictional or not?

Again, the criminal underworld, gangs, etc. etc.

14. How do you map out locations, if needed? Do you have any to show us?

Don't have any to show, since even I don't know where some of this stuff takes place (at least….except for something else I'm working on, but that's a surprise, and I'm still working on world-building THAT behemoth).

15. Mid way question! Tell us about a writer you admire, whether professional or not!

Matthew. Stover. Wrote a bunch of Star Wars novels (including the official novel of Episode 3), Iron Dawn and Jericho Moon (both starring the most badass Irish, ax-wielding female EVER) and, my personal favorite series of all time, the Acts of Caine (read them. Seriously. Do whatever you can to find these books, buy them, and read them RIGHT NOW DAMMIT).

16. Do you write romantic relationships? How do you do with those, and how "far" are you willing to go in your writing?

I've got a romantic relationship in development with one of my stories, and I'm willing to go as far as it makes sense logically.

17. Favorite protagonist and why!

Of mine? Amy Tolson, because of how she's my first true, main, character. But I love all my characters. Even the bastards.

Of someone else's? That would be Nao, from the manga Liar Game. She's a great example of character development, she's kind, and she is, surprisingly, one of the few aversions of the "useless female lead character syndrome" that affect so many seinen (directed towards males) manga. Now if only they would RELEASE IT IN NORTH AMERICA SO I CAN BUY IT.

18. Favorite antagonist and why!

Of mine? …Well, I think the only "real" antagonist that I have is October from "The Contestants", so she wins by default. Yeah!

Of someone else's? Tricky….If I like an antagonist too much, they aren't doing the job properly. Conversely, if I hate an antagonist too much, I get unhappy if I feel they don't get what's coming to them (unless the situation calls for it). Who balances that line…….who, who, who….
Ah! Ma'elKoth from Acts of Caine! Perfect mix of likable and punchable!

20. What are your favorite character interactions to write?

Somewhat witty dialogue, aka "If an ADHD 8-year-old watched way too much Joss Whedon shows".

21. Do any of your characters have children? How well do you write them?

Only Sung, but he's a minor character/Macguffin-lite at best. So I don't really know how well I write them.

22. How long does it usually take you to complete an entire story — from planning to writing to posting (if you post your work)?

The time, for me, varies so much that I can't give a direct answer. So, it's "as long as it takes".

23. How willing are you to kill your characters if the plot so demands it? What's the most interesting way you've killed someone?

Very willing. For the project I mentioned several questions ago, I actually came up with a rather brilliant way to kill off a character that still works in the story's favor. As for most interesting….can't really beat "hatchet thrown to back of head", can you?

24. Do any of your characters have pets? Tell us about them.

Jennifer Enburg has a dog. A big, Black Russian Terrier. She calls him Jimmy!

25. Let's talk art! Do you draw your characters? Do others draw them?

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA…..*pant*….*pant*….*pant*…Oh man, I thought you were being serious!

Anyway, I refuse to make a mockery of my characters by using my horrible art skills to draw them. Hence, I've gotten some friends (notably shootdoctorallen, who rocks) to draw them for me when needed.

26. Along similar lines, do appearances play a big role in your stories? Tell us about them, or if not, how you go about designing your characters.

Appearances only matter when the plot calls for them. Beyond that, I usually just go like this:

"Ok, male…..white? Or black? What about Native American! Oh, yeah, that could work. Think of tribe later. Uhm… is short, only to back of neck….blue, no, BROWN eyes….5'5….and I'm done! Now for personality!"

27. Have you ever written a character with physical or mental disabilities? Describe them, and if there's nothing major to speak of, tell us a few smaller ones.

I've never actually written one, although I do have a few mapped out in my head.

28. Final question! Tag someone! And tell us what you like about that person as a writer and/or about one of his/her characters!

Honestly, anyone who wants to do this meme can go right ahead. If I had to explain what I liked about each individual person and their characters, I'd be here all day.
Meme that :icondarthvengeance0325: tagged me with. Anyone who wants to do this, feel free to, I won't force you.

Any questions/comments? Please leave them below, and I'll address them to the best of my ability.
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DarthVengeance0325's avatar
Oh, Matt. You shine so. :D